it is 11:02 pm, October 31, 2007. I am dressed like a roller disco zombie. all of manhattan is celebrating Halloween. And I have just written the final word of my novel. It was number 50,208.
i have no more words. except these:
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
almost there
i finally feel like the end is in sight, on my last day. i have 900 words left. i will finish my story today. i don't want it to end, but it's time to wrap it up.
i started this month with three friends who were aiming for the 50,000 word mark. i think i will be the only one to reach it. it's a bit lonely here at the finish line. i was looking forward to celebrating with them, but it looks like i will be celebrating alone. or not celebrating, more likely.
that's all for now. i'll let you know when i finish.
i started this month with three friends who were aiming for the 50,000 word mark. i think i will be the only one to reach it. it's a bit lonely here at the finish line. i was looking forward to celebrating with them, but it looks like i will be celebrating alone. or not celebrating, more likely.
that's all for now. i'll let you know when i finish.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
the book report
not too much to report. the good news is i'm still on track at almost 43,000 words. the other news is that i just got to the point i've been trying to get to for a week and a half. i'm not sure if it's the climax or not; it might be the main conflict and i've just taken way too long to get there, or it might be the climax. um. i feel like i should know. but i don't. so, anyway, i've got roughly 7,000 words to figure it out. if it's the main conflict and it took me 43,000 words to get there i figure i've got at least another 50,000 or so to go. if it's the climax, i can probably wrap her up by Wednesday. i'm going to try to wrap her up by Wednesday.
on a more philosophical note, the older i get the more i realize how little I have control over in my life. i like control. i like plans. i don't like changes in my plans. i thought i had this novel planned out, but what i've learned is that i don't even have control over this thing that i'm creating. i am the only person touching it, i am the only person who has seen it, yet it keeps leaping out of my grasp and sliding through my fingers. and you know what? i actually like it. it's as if this novel is a living thing, one that i've breathed life into. and here i am, at almost to 50,000 words, and i don't even know if i'm almost done or only halfway through. i guess i'll just have to play it by ear a little longer. I'll let you know when i figure it out.
on a more philosophical note, the older i get the more i realize how little I have control over in my life. i like control. i like plans. i don't like changes in my plans. i thought i had this novel planned out, but what i've learned is that i don't even have control over this thing that i'm creating. i am the only person touching it, i am the only person who has seen it, yet it keeps leaping out of my grasp and sliding through my fingers. and you know what? i actually like it. it's as if this novel is a living thing, one that i've breathed life into. and here i am, at almost to 50,000 words, and i don't even know if i'm almost done or only halfway through. i guess i'll just have to play it by ear a little longer. I'll let you know when i figure it out.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Isn't acceptance the final step?
There are seven days left in this adventure. The land is beginning to rise on the horizon, and i feel immensely calm. I've written about 37,500 words, and i'm confident that i'll be able to reach the 50,000 word goal. i'm about 1,000 words behind right now, but i plan on sequestering myself for the entire weekend and writing until i'm satisfied. i am no longer worried about the quality of the writing or whether the plotline or characters are interesting. i'm confident that even if the novel is a complete failure writing-wise, i've learned enough in the process to have made writing it worth it many times over. my mindset at this point is to finish the story that i've started, good or not, engaging or not. i figure that the first time you do anything, the goal is not to succeed but to learn and to do one's best. this novel is by no means a masterpiece. i don't even know if i would read it if someone else had written it. but that's okay with me, surprisingly. somewhere along the way, i seem to have shed my unrealistic expectations and hyperemotional fear of failure and have come to wonder whether it's possible for any artistic endeavor, when undertaken with sincerity and vigor and effort, to be a failure. I have accepted this work for what it is, even though i'm not entirely sure i've figured that out yet. I feel a little bit maternal about it: no matter how ugly or misshapen or stupid it may be, it's my baby, and i love it.
and after all, you know what they say: stupid babies need the most attention. this one will be getting a lot of attention after this project is over.
and after all, you know what they say: stupid babies need the most attention. this one will be getting a lot of attention after this project is over.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
deep breath, or Day 17
Daily word count: 4,096
Total word count: 27,773
okay, okay, sorry to be so goddamn emotional. i locked myself in my room tonight (with an hour break for good behavior to watch "pushing daisies," which, by the way, is adorable and visually stimulating, and relatively well-written) and got myself back on track, word-count wise, and hopefully also story-wise. i finally moved the story forward instead of laterally, by writing my first sex scene. except that i was kind of embarrassed to write it and so did more alluding than elucidating. but whatever. i like it better that way. i'm just guiding the imagination anyway.
i feel pretty good. i passed the halfway point in word count. I've peaked, even if my story hasn't, and now i'm at 27,000 words. it's all downhill from here baby. i think i'll be okay after all...i don't expect the second "half" of my events to really total half of the pages, but i do think i'm still a little behind.
thank you, all of you, for putting up with my mood swings and being so encouraging! you have no idea how much it means to me when you e-mail or ask me how my writing is going. it helps to keep me focused on what i'm doing and why.
a lot of people have asked me what my story is about. i haven't told anyone anything, and i probably won't until i'm done writing it. but maybe i'll put up an excerpt when all of this is over.
kisses, and good night, friends. thank you for caring, and reading, and supporting me. it means more to me than you know.
Total word count: 27,773
okay, okay, sorry to be so goddamn emotional. i locked myself in my room tonight (with an hour break for good behavior to watch "pushing daisies," which, by the way, is adorable and visually stimulating, and relatively well-written) and got myself back on track, word-count wise, and hopefully also story-wise. i finally moved the story forward instead of laterally, by writing my first sex scene. except that i was kind of embarrassed to write it and so did more alluding than elucidating. but whatever. i like it better that way. i'm just guiding the imagination anyway.
i feel pretty good. i passed the halfway point in word count. I've peaked, even if my story hasn't, and now i'm at 27,000 words. it's all downhill from here baby. i think i'll be okay after all...i don't expect the second "half" of my events to really total half of the pages, but i do think i'm still a little behind.
thank you, all of you, for putting up with my mood swings and being so encouraging! you have no idea how much it means to me when you e-mail or ask me how my writing is going. it helps to keep me focused on what i'm doing and why.
a lot of people have asked me what my story is about. i haven't told anyone anything, and i probably won't until i'm done writing it. but maybe i'll put up an excerpt when all of this is over.
kisses, and good night, friends. thank you for caring, and reading, and supporting me. it means more to me than you know.
drowning, floating, flying
i'm wondering, though not for the first time, if i am somehow psychologically impaired. my emotions with this project have been a roller coaster--euphoric one day, crushed the next. confident and pleased with my writing, then insecure and frustrated. in my last blog i was ambivalent, blase even. today, i'm frustrated and tempted to rip the damn manuscript to shreds. am i always this manic-depressive? I'm 3,000 words behind, almost at 25,000, but i'm still at the beginning of my story. i keep writing, writing, writing, but i don't feel like i'm getting anywhere. i keep trying to remind myself to write scenes that advance the story, now that i've taken care of character introduction, but i can' the story is stagnating, and, i fear, beginning to rot. at this point, i'm trying to decide whether to rush through the middle to get to the end by October 31 and finish at 50,000 words or whether to take my time and just keep writing past the end of October. Either way, i don't see myself not getting to 50,000. At this point, the word count is not an issue. The story is.
Monday, October 15, 2007
i want to quit
it's not that i'm tired, although i am. it's not that i'm frustrated with my writing, which i'm not, not overly so anyway. i'm not overwhelmed. i'm not overcome with emotion. i'm not falling out of my chair tired, or so lost for words. i'm over the quality issue. i don't know what it is, exactly. but i want to quit. i don't even know how to explain it. i know all of you are going to hate me for saying this, but i feel, just a little, that maybe, maybe?, this isn't challenging me enough. or maybe i'm just a pussy. or i'm cocky. or i feel like it's going to be so easy to do that i might as well not finish. or maybe it's that once it's done, then judgment time is upon me, and if i don't finish, there's no chance of failure.
i read an article awhile ago in New York magazine about gifted kids who are told all the time how smart they are. so they did studies on these kids versus average kids, challenging them with activities that were slightly above their level, and they found that the gifted kids, instead of looking stupid and risking not being able to do it, would give up much more often and much faster than the kids of average intelligence. it was the exact same puzzle. the average kids would struggle and struggle and struggle until they got it. but at the first sign of adversity the gifted kids would give up. because they didn't want to risk not being smart any more, because that was a big part of their self-image. they weren't praised for trying. they were praised for being smart.
maybe that's my problem. maybe i don't want to let down all the people who tell me i'm a great writer by writing something that isn't great. maybe i'd rather give up than disappoint someone.
either way, i didn't write yesterday. i haven't written today. and i don't want to. i want to give up. i'm starting to see how much of writing is discipline. maybe i just lack discipline. maybe i don't have it, whatever it is. i'm rambling, i know. i don't want to go face my story. i don't want to fight this urge not to write, this urge to quit, this urge to forget about the whole thing...did any of that make sense?
i read an article awhile ago in New York magazine about gifted kids who are told all the time how smart they are. so they did studies on these kids versus average kids, challenging them with activities that were slightly above their level, and they found that the gifted kids, instead of looking stupid and risking not being able to do it, would give up much more often and much faster than the kids of average intelligence. it was the exact same puzzle. the average kids would struggle and struggle and struggle until they got it. but at the first sign of adversity the gifted kids would give up. because they didn't want to risk not being smart any more, because that was a big part of their self-image. they weren't praised for trying. they were praised for being smart.
maybe that's my problem. maybe i don't want to let down all the people who tell me i'm a great writer by writing something that isn't great. maybe i'd rather give up than disappoint someone.
either way, i didn't write yesterday. i haven't written today. and i don't want to. i want to give up. i'm starting to see how much of writing is discipline. maybe i just lack discipline. maybe i don't have it, whatever it is. i'm rambling, i know. i don't want to go face my story. i don't want to fight this urge not to write, this urge to quit, this urge to forget about the whole thing...did any of that make sense?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
last night, i finally had a good run. the words flowed from my subconscious through my fingertips with nary a critical word from my inner editor. i hit a stride, and what came out on paper was meaninful, emotional, and actually included a few metaphors and a bit of description. THIS is why i write. for nights like last night. i wrote 2,300 words, most of which i think i'll end up keeping. hallelujah.
this morning, i topped the 16,000 word mark.
this morning, i topped the 16,000 word mark.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
day 8/9
alright, i'ma stop complaining now. sorry i've been so self-absorbed slash whiny slash imbecilically insecure.
1687 yesterday, about 1000 so far today. that puts me over 14,000. i'm at a point where i can see where i want to get to but i'm not sure how i'm going to get there yet. should be exciting. and by exciting i mean i'm going to write lots and lots of mundane dialogue. it's strange. i dislike first-person narrative, and i think dialogue is one of my biggest weaknesses, but this book has ended up being a first-person narrative that's at least half dialogue. i didn't mean for it to be this way. it just happened. i'm realizing for the first time what it means when an author says that the story dictated what they wrote. it's strange and surprising and even slightly magical seeming. i do kind of wish i was writing third-person description, though. ah well, this is all about breaking boundaries and stretching limits and jumping out of comfort zones, no? pardon the cliches, but i'm using all the creative juices i can muster for all that insanely banal dialogue i'm typing up.
is everyone else viciously sleep deprived and it's only tuesday, or is it just me?
1687 yesterday, about 1000 so far today. that puts me over 14,000. i'm at a point where i can see where i want to get to but i'm not sure how i'm going to get there yet. should be exciting. and by exciting i mean i'm going to write lots and lots of mundane dialogue. it's strange. i dislike first-person narrative, and i think dialogue is one of my biggest weaknesses, but this book has ended up being a first-person narrative that's at least half dialogue. i didn't mean for it to be this way. it just happened. i'm realizing for the first time what it means when an author says that the story dictated what they wrote. it's strange and surprising and even slightly magical seeming. i do kind of wish i was writing third-person description, though. ah well, this is all about breaking boundaries and stretching limits and jumping out of comfort zones, no? pardon the cliches, but i'm using all the creative juices i can muster for all that insanely banal dialogue i'm typing up.
is everyone else viciously sleep deprived and it's only tuesday, or is it just me?
Monday, October 8, 2007
by the hair of my, well, you know
i made my first week's word count...barely...after typing off and on all day yesterday. at the end of the day, i had 11,481 words. i used up my "extra word" cushion friday and saturday, when i was too busy/comatose to write. hopefully this week will be easier. i woke up before my alarm this morning (at 5:58 AM), then wrote about 1,300 words. i'll finish up later this evening.
i'm beginning to wonder if my talent has somehow seeped out of me over the past 3 years. i'm having a lot of trouble getting from "typing" to "writing." everything i write seems flat and boring, one-dimensional, a recitation of facts more than the dynamic telling of a story. at this point, i would be embarrassed to let anyone read anything i've written so far. ed read a paragraph over my shoulder yesterday and i practically freaked out on him.
so, while quantity is the goal, i'm still struggling with the quality issue. i'm making my word counts, i have a story line, i know where i'm going and how i plan to get there, but i'm bored to death and unsure of how to breath some life into these characters.
i'm beginning to wonder if my talent has somehow seeped out of me over the past 3 years. i'm having a lot of trouble getting from "typing" to "writing." everything i write seems flat and boring, one-dimensional, a recitation of facts more than the dynamic telling of a story. at this point, i would be embarrassed to let anyone read anything i've written so far. ed read a paragraph over my shoulder yesterday and i practically freaked out on him.
so, while quantity is the goal, i'm still struggling with the quality issue. i'm making my word counts, i have a story line, i know where i'm going and how i plan to get there, but i'm bored to death and unsure of how to breath some life into these characters.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
day 6 ish
i wrote maybe 50 words before i headed out this morning. i met my friend, Ariel, for brunch, got drunk on their $15 all you can drink plus brunch brunch, peeled off to run home to pee, and fell asleep.
i woke up about an hour ago. i figure that's about an 8 hour nap. and i'm still trying to wake up. i may give up and just go back to bed. when i called ariel to apologize, she sent me to voicemail. i hope i apologized. all i remember is saying that my lips felt swollen.
then i called sarah for commiseration purposes, except that she was out and her phone was about to die. when i said something about my not writing today, she suggested that i go back to sleep and worry about it tomorrow. so, on dr. sarah's good advice, i think i'll do that.
seriously, how does anyone do this?
i woke up about an hour ago. i figure that's about an 8 hour nap. and i'm still trying to wake up. i may give up and just go back to bed. when i called ariel to apologize, she sent me to voicemail. i hope i apologized. all i remember is saying that my lips felt swollen.
then i called sarah for commiseration purposes, except that she was out and her phone was about to die. when i said something about my not writing today, she suggested that i go back to sleep and worry about it tomorrow. so, on dr. sarah's good advice, i think i'll do that.
seriously, how does anyone do this?
day 5, exhaustion
i'm exhausted. i've gotten up an hour early every day this week to write but i haven't been able to go to bed any earlier. and when i don't get enough sleep, i'm like a 3-year-old who missed her nap. cranky, irrational, prone to fits of crying and/or screaming. those of you who have had a 3-year-old (and the 2 of you who had me as a 3-year-old) know that it's not a pretty sight. and i'm not happy.
i only managed 700 words yesterday. i have a full day of obligations today, so i'm trying to write a little before i have to go do those things. i don't know when i'm going to catch up on sleep or on words. maybe tomorrow. please, god, tomorrow. i can't keep going at this pace without a break.
Day 5: 741
Total: 8840
i only managed 700 words yesterday. i have a full day of obligations today, so i'm trying to write a little before i have to go do those things. i don't know when i'm going to catch up on sleep or on words. maybe tomorrow. please, god, tomorrow. i can't keep going at this pace without a break.
Day 5: 741
Total: 8840
Friday, October 5, 2007
playing it safe
although I'm doing fine on my word count, 8099 as of end-of-day yesterday, i have hit what might be called a psychological wall. it's not that i'm having trouble getting the words on the paper, it's that the words on the paper are disappointing me. i know i'm not supposed to worry about quality, but as i was waiting for the subway to take me home after jeerleader practice last night, i was thinking, thinking HARD, about my novel. something is amiss. and suddenly i had a moment of panic. what if i'm not good enough to write a book? what if i'm not skilled enough, what if my experiences don't mean enough, what if i'm just simply unable to capture that thing that makes good books good? what if, in my description of bodies and events, i am unable to capture the soul?
to this point, i feel like i've been limiting myself, writing safe. at this point, my grandmother could read my manuscript, if you know what i mean. i feel inhibited. i feel like i'm writing for my most conservative audience, and it's driving me crazy. i need to break out of this, somehow. i want edgy characters. i want REAL characters, not the boring, flat, uninteresting characters that i found in all of my "christian" novels growing up.
I'm reading a great book called "Writing Past Dark" by Bonnie Friedman that addresses a lot of the emotional aspects of writing. In her essay "Anorexia of Language" she says about fear to write what we really mean, "So many of us, practiced in administering our own internal morphine, wish to preserve harmony at all cost, to be good wives and virtuous daughters, yet write. We disregard the fugitive emotion we are not supposed to feel, and whose presence we do not understand." I'm trying to be virtuous, but virtuous is not what or who i am. i am writing, not from my heart or soul but from my head, which is sanitizing everything that i'm saying, bleaching it to the point almost of unrecognition. when i mean to have vibrant, complex, flawed characters, they are coming out static, fuzzy, and gray. i'm not sure how to break out of this, but if i don't, i'm going to have one hell of a boring and useless novel.
to this point, i feel like i've been limiting myself, writing safe. at this point, my grandmother could read my manuscript, if you know what i mean. i feel inhibited. i feel like i'm writing for my most conservative audience, and it's driving me crazy. i need to break out of this, somehow. i want edgy characters. i want REAL characters, not the boring, flat, uninteresting characters that i found in all of my "christian" novels growing up.
I'm reading a great book called "Writing Past Dark" by Bonnie Friedman that addresses a lot of the emotional aspects of writing. In her essay "Anorexia of Language" she says about fear to write what we really mean, "So many of us, practiced in administering our own internal morphine, wish to preserve harmony at all cost, to be good wives and virtuous daughters, yet write. We disregard the fugitive emotion we are not supposed to feel, and whose presence we do not understand." I'm trying to be virtuous, but virtuous is not what or who i am. i am writing, not from my heart or soul but from my head, which is sanitizing everything that i'm saying, bleaching it to the point almost of unrecognition. when i mean to have vibrant, complex, flawed characters, they are coming out static, fuzzy, and gray. i'm not sure how to break out of this, but if i don't, i'm going to have one hell of a boring and useless novel.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Day 2
Daily word count: 2,020
Total word count: 5,041
Turns out my original worry, reaching word count, is not so hard as it originally seemed.
Turns out that when your original worry turns out not to be much of a worry after all, another one is right behind to take it's place.
Turns out that all of that was about ten times more eloquent than anything i've been able to type so far.
That's the new worry. perhaps i will slow down just a little and try to see my story a little better.
onward, friends. we are star stuff.
Total word count: 5,041
Turns out my original worry, reaching word count, is not so hard as it originally seemed.
Turns out that when your original worry turns out not to be much of a worry after all, another one is right behind to take it's place.
Turns out that all of that was about ten times more eloquent than anything i've been able to type so far.
That's the new worry. perhaps i will slow down just a little and try to see my story a little better.
onward, friends. we are star stuff.
Day 1, continued
Daily word count: 3,021
Total word count: 3,021
So my plan is to get up at 6 (well, 6:30 if you count the 2 times I allow myself to hit the snooze), write for an hour before work, and then finish up my word count in the evening. So yesterday morning, after 4 hours of sleep, I decided I'd get up at 6 even though i'd already met my word count. so, i ended up writing another 1100 words yesterday morning, which meant i could cash in on one of my "rewards." The kit that we're using encourages us to have a reward/punishment system set up with our friends. For instance, with my friend Ariel, she has permission to ask me any day out of the month (and every day if she wants to) whether i met my word count the previous day. If i haven't, I have to go to her house and wash her dishes (which is something i hate to do). And that girl always has a sinkful of dishes. Another is that I don't get to see a certain someone unless i've met my word count, so it was really nice to be able to go meet him right after work yesterday.
i went to bed early last night, woke up again at 6:30 this morning (a tad easier today than yesterday), and wrote about 1400 words. that wasn't as easy today. i feel like i'm learning to write all over again. the writing feels clunky, awkward, and rudimentary. it's supposed to be, according to my novel-writing kit, but that doesn't make it any easier not to think about quality and to put everything out of my head except the story. of course, i want it to be good. my two consolations are that i can edit to my heart's content later, and that, hopefully, i'll get in the groove and have at least one or two spurts of semi-brilliant inspiration by the time this is all over.
So, I've introduced my main character and at least four supporting characters, although i'm not sure how much any of the supports are going to appear in the end. no matter. I feel like i'm on track as far as the story goes, though i'm wondering if i'm going to get to the end of the story by the end of the month.
also, i want to say thank you so much to everyone who's e-mailed encouragement to me already! it means so much to me to know that so many people are pulling for me.
Total word count: 3,021
So my plan is to get up at 6 (well, 6:30 if you count the 2 times I allow myself to hit the snooze), write for an hour before work, and then finish up my word count in the evening. So yesterday morning, after 4 hours of sleep, I decided I'd get up at 6 even though i'd already met my word count. so, i ended up writing another 1100 words yesterday morning, which meant i could cash in on one of my "rewards." The kit that we're using encourages us to have a reward/punishment system set up with our friends. For instance, with my friend Ariel, she has permission to ask me any day out of the month (and every day if she wants to) whether i met my word count the previous day. If i haven't, I have to go to her house and wash her dishes (which is something i hate to do). And that girl always has a sinkful of dishes. Another is that I don't get to see a certain someone unless i've met my word count, so it was really nice to be able to go meet him right after work yesterday.
i went to bed early last night, woke up again at 6:30 this morning (a tad easier today than yesterday), and wrote about 1400 words. that wasn't as easy today. i feel like i'm learning to write all over again. the writing feels clunky, awkward, and rudimentary. it's supposed to be, according to my novel-writing kit, but that doesn't make it any easier not to think about quality and to put everything out of my head except the story. of course, i want it to be good. my two consolations are that i can edit to my heart's content later, and that, hopefully, i'll get in the groove and have at least one or two spurts of semi-brilliant inspiration by the time this is all over.
So, I've introduced my main character and at least four supporting characters, although i'm not sure how much any of the supports are going to appear in the end. no matter. I feel like i'm on track as far as the story goes, though i'm wondering if i'm going to get to the end of the story by the end of the month.
also, i want to say thank you so much to everyone who's e-mailed encouragement to me already! it means so much to me to know that so many people are pulling for me.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
one small victory
Time: 1:01 am
Daily word count: 1,897
Total word count: 1,897
I started writing at 12:01. By 12:54 I had almost 1,900 words. My daily goal is 1,613. I'm trying not to get a false sense of accomplishment, but, damn, that was easy. i hope things keep going this way, though i know they're probably not going to. maybe all of my worries were unfounded after all. I'm going to try not to get too excited about this initial victory and instead save this feeling for when i'm struggling down the line. but so far, so good. i'll probably still get up at 6 like i originally planned and write some more. i want to establish a pattern. but it feels great to have already met my first goal. one down, thirty to go.
yeah, take that, novel!
Daily word count: 1,897
Total word count: 1,897
I started writing at 12:01. By 12:54 I had almost 1,900 words. My daily goal is 1,613. I'm trying not to get a false sense of accomplishment, but, damn, that was easy. i hope things keep going this way, though i know they're probably not going to. maybe all of my worries were unfounded after all. I'm going to try not to get too excited about this initial victory and instead save this feeling for when i'm struggling down the line. but so far, so good. i'll probably still get up at 6 like i originally planned and write some more. i want to establish a pattern. but it feels great to have already met my first goal. one down, thirty to go.
yeah, take that, novel!
so it begins
it was a dark and stormy night...erm, or, rather, a rather cool and pleasant night. It's September 30 at 10:58 pm. I am an hour and two minutes from beginning my novel. I just wrote an e-mail to almost everyone i know telling them about the project. that was incredibly uncomfortable. i hate asking for anything, even moral support for a project like this. but i wrote the e-mail to kind of force myself to tell everyone about it so that now i'm not only expecting it of myself, but other people are expecting it, too. it was hard, though. i didn't want to do it. at all. the kit i got suggested that you tell your worst enemies about your plans so that they can humiliate you if you fail. i wasn't quite brave enough for that.
so, i'm an hour out and i'm nervous. a little scared. i know i'm putting a lot of pressure on myself to do this and do it well. which isn't really the point. the point is to write 1,613 words per day, whether it's good or not, and to just get it out on paper so you can fix it up and make it pretty later. but i'm a perfectionist,'s going to be really hard to let go and just write without judging what is coming out on the computer screen.
as far as the novel goes, i've got my beginning scene, and a rough plot outline. from the beginning scene, i'm going to flash back to the beginning of the story, carry through to the point in time that the beginning scene happens, work from there to the climax, and hopefully wrap things up nicely. i've got a main character and a couple of minor characters, but i don't have anyone fleshed out too much. i'm hoping to go with my gut on a lot of it. besides, overthinking everything was driving me crazy. so. i'm going to try to write on the blog every day, at least a little. i will put up my word counts (daily and total) and let you all know how i'm coming along, how i'm feeling, how the writing is going, etc. i may give you a little taste of the novel, but i haven't decided yet if i want to do that. i may not. letting everyone know i was doing this was scary enough, even though everyone i've told has been incredibly supportive, which i'm really thankful for.
alright, i gotta go get my notes together.
i am going to kick this novel's ass.
so, i'm an hour out and i'm nervous. a little scared. i know i'm putting a lot of pressure on myself to do this and do it well. which isn't really the point. the point is to write 1,613 words per day, whether it's good or not, and to just get it out on paper so you can fix it up and make it pretty later. but i'm a perfectionist,'s going to be really hard to let go and just write without judging what is coming out on the computer screen.
as far as the novel goes, i've got my beginning scene, and a rough plot outline. from the beginning scene, i'm going to flash back to the beginning of the story, carry through to the point in time that the beginning scene happens, work from there to the climax, and hopefully wrap things up nicely. i've got a main character and a couple of minor characters, but i don't have anyone fleshed out too much. i'm hoping to go with my gut on a lot of it. besides, overthinking everything was driving me crazy. so. i'm going to try to write on the blog every day, at least a little. i will put up my word counts (daily and total) and let you all know how i'm coming along, how i'm feeling, how the writing is going, etc. i may give you a little taste of the novel, but i haven't decided yet if i want to do that. i may not. letting everyone know i was doing this was scary enough, even though everyone i've told has been incredibly supportive, which i'm really thankful for.
alright, i gotta go get my notes together.
i am going to kick this novel's ass.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
and we haven't even started yet
I've got to be honest here. I'm freaking out a little. I'm worried about this project. I'm afraid of failure. I'm afraid of being terrible. I'm afraid that I'm not really a writer after all. There have been days leading up to this project that i have been excited, confident, bubbling over with ideas. Today, my plot seems shaky, my characters seem uninteresting, and I'm wondering if the whole idea for my novel is boring, or just plain terrible. As you can see, I'm having a huge amount of self-doubt right about now. I just want to get started, so i can pour this energy into writing. And that's another thing: what if i start writing and run out of things to say?
I don't want to get discouraged before I start. I want to have a positive attitude, but I'm having trouble pulling myself out of all of this doubt.
I don't want to get discouraged before I start. I want to have a positive attitude, but I'm having trouble pulling myself out of all of this doubt.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
a novel in a month?
My friend Gwen got this kit for Christmas from her husband. It's called the "No Plot? No Problem!" novel writing kit, and honestly, it looks as cheesy as it sounds. It basically challenges the receiver (or buyer) of the kit to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. It comes with an affidavit that you sign, committing to the project, a progress chart (complete with gold stars, which, i have to admit, i got pretty excited about), coupons to have your friends/family/significant others fill out for you to promise to do nasty disgusting things if you don't meet your word count, inspirational read-one-a-day cards, and the like. And like i said, it looks cheesy. but here's the thing: it works. or, at least it did for Gwen. She wrote her first novel in a month, January of this year to be exact, and when i went to visit her and her husband in March, she handed me all 175 pages of it and said, "we're all going to do this."
And now we are.
Six writers. Six novels. 31 days. 50,000 words each. 300,000 words total.
We begin at 12:01 AM October 1. We end at midnight October 31. Our goal is to each have a completed or mostly completed novel that equals 50,000 words or more. It's daunting, to say the least. I haven't written more than a couple of poems in the last three years. but i'm up to the challenge. if nothing else, my pride will see to it that i finish.
anybody have any nasty disgusting things they want me to commit to do if i don't meet my word count?
And now we are.
Six writers. Six novels. 31 days. 50,000 words each. 300,000 words total.
We begin at 12:01 AM October 1. We end at midnight October 31. Our goal is to each have a completed or mostly completed novel that equals 50,000 words or more. It's daunting, to say the least. I haven't written more than a couple of poems in the last three years. but i'm up to the challenge. if nothing else, my pride will see to it that i finish.
anybody have any nasty disgusting things they want me to commit to do if i don't meet my word count?
Monday, August 27, 2007
shut up and write
Maybe I’ve said this before, but I spend a lot of time thinking about writing. This is a result of several different factors, the largest being that I secretly (or not so secretly) want to be a writer, as in, I derive great joy and fulfillment from writing. That is, when it comes naturally, when I have something to say, when it flows from heart or head or wherever it originates inside of me, down my arm, and out through my fingers, relatively effortlessly. This kind of magical exchage occurs, at best, for about an hour every six months or so. So, no, I don’t believe I can actually call myself a writer, not at that pace. A dabbler in writing, maybe. But that’s a stretch.
During the past several years (since becoming an adult, let’s say), I’ve managed to conquer most of my fears and several of my hang-ups. For instance, I am no longer afraid of having to get somewhere and never getting there, or of being alone forever, and I managed to forgive my parents for their part in screwing me up (please note: I think ALL parents screw up their kids. Some kids aren’t bothered by it. I was. So I had to deal with it.). I actually (not to brag, but to be completely honest) am happier and more fulfilled than I have ever been in my life. I live in New York, I have a job in my field that pays well and I actually like going to, I have a small, close-knit set of devoted, faithful, supportive friends, I’m rarely bored, I have a dependable cadre of boys, I do cultural things, I have a great apartment in the cool part of town, and on and on. You get the point. There are a few things I’m still afraid of, though. Spiders, pidgeons, and rats (but only when in close proximity) are things I deal with pretty often and just generally try to avoid. Also, they aren’t big enough fears that I feel I have to do any deep soul-searching to conquer. I kill spiders when I see them, duck and shriek when pidgeons dive-bomb my head, and jump and shriek when rats come within ten feet of my exposed, flip-flopped feet. What I’m really afraid of, though, is writing. Because I want to do it so badly, and so well, I’m paralyzed at the thought of writing fiction. I manage poetry occasionally, because I don’t consider myself a very good poet and therefore have no fear of writing poorly. Also, no one sees my poetry. Ever.
Writing, though, writing fiction, is another story (excuse the pun). I look at an empty page (or screen), and though I may have an idea in my head, I can’t do it. I’m paralyzed. Or I start, and get stuck. It’s maddening. People who know me well, who have read anything that I’ve written tell me to write, and I want to, I swear to God I want to, but that magic just doesn’t happen when I want to write fiction. But that’s ALL I want to write. So I don’t try because I’m stuck, because I’m afraid to fail, to write poorly, to disappoint my readers (usually that’s just me). And I know I should just write and stop judging myself, but I can’t get past it, this huge block that’s just leering at me. So I read (this is research to see how others write), write in my journal (kind of like writing but not at all), think about writing (isn’t that the first step?), and occasionally (very occasionally) have a story idea that I write down but never act on.
I keep telling myself that I’m incubating, processing, gestating, whatever. The truth is, I’m procrastinating. I’ve been procrastinating for three years. Because I’m scared that I’ll be bad at writing and it’s the only thing I’ve ever really wanted to do. Well, how the hell am I supposed to know unless I do it? and what’s the worst that can happen? If I’m a failure at writing, at least I’ll know and I can move on to something else. And if I turn out to be okay at it, then I’m doing what I love to do. Seems obvious. And honestly, if I can overcome all of my other worst fears and emotional hang-ups, why can’t I overcome this?
A friend of mine from college, Okie in the City, recently moved to New York with his wife. We’ve been talking a lot about writing. He’s got a writer’s group, writes pretty prolifically, and is always on my case about me writing. “Just write,” he says to me. “Put the pen to the f*cking paper. Who cares if it’s shit?” Basically, he tells me to shut up and write.
So, that’s what I’ve decided to do. Shut up and f*cking write.
During the past several years (since becoming an adult, let’s say), I’ve managed to conquer most of my fears and several of my hang-ups. For instance, I am no longer afraid of having to get somewhere and never getting there, or of being alone forever, and I managed to forgive my parents for their part in screwing me up (please note: I think ALL parents screw up their kids. Some kids aren’t bothered by it. I was. So I had to deal with it.). I actually (not to brag, but to be completely honest) am happier and more fulfilled than I have ever been in my life. I live in New York, I have a job in my field that pays well and I actually like going to, I have a small, close-knit set of devoted, faithful, supportive friends, I’m rarely bored, I have a dependable cadre of boys, I do cultural things, I have a great apartment in the cool part of town, and on and on. You get the point. There are a few things I’m still afraid of, though. Spiders, pidgeons, and rats (but only when in close proximity) are things I deal with pretty often and just generally try to avoid. Also, they aren’t big enough fears that I feel I have to do any deep soul-searching to conquer. I kill spiders when I see them, duck and shriek when pidgeons dive-bomb my head, and jump and shriek when rats come within ten feet of my exposed, flip-flopped feet. What I’m really afraid of, though, is writing. Because I want to do it so badly, and so well, I’m paralyzed at the thought of writing fiction. I manage poetry occasionally, because I don’t consider myself a very good poet and therefore have no fear of writing poorly. Also, no one sees my poetry. Ever.
Writing, though, writing fiction, is another story (excuse the pun). I look at an empty page (or screen), and though I may have an idea in my head, I can’t do it. I’m paralyzed. Or I start, and get stuck. It’s maddening. People who know me well, who have read anything that I’ve written tell me to write, and I want to, I swear to God I want to, but that magic just doesn’t happen when I want to write fiction. But that’s ALL I want to write. So I don’t try because I’m stuck, because I’m afraid to fail, to write poorly, to disappoint my readers (usually that’s just me). And I know I should just write and stop judging myself, but I can’t get past it, this huge block that’s just leering at me. So I read (this is research to see how others write), write in my journal (kind of like writing but not at all), think about writing (isn’t that the first step?), and occasionally (very occasionally) have a story idea that I write down but never act on.
I keep telling myself that I’m incubating, processing, gestating, whatever. The truth is, I’m procrastinating. I’ve been procrastinating for three years. Because I’m scared that I’ll be bad at writing and it’s the only thing I’ve ever really wanted to do. Well, how the hell am I supposed to know unless I do it? and what’s the worst that can happen? If I’m a failure at writing, at least I’ll know and I can move on to something else. And if I turn out to be okay at it, then I’m doing what I love to do. Seems obvious. And honestly, if I can overcome all of my other worst fears and emotional hang-ups, why can’t I overcome this?
A friend of mine from college, Okie in the City, recently moved to New York with his wife. We’ve been talking a lot about writing. He’s got a writer’s group, writes pretty prolifically, and is always on my case about me writing. “Just write,” he says to me. “Put the pen to the f*cking paper. Who cares if it’s shit?” Basically, he tells me to shut up and write.
So, that’s what I’ve decided to do. Shut up and f*cking write.
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