Wednesday, September 26, 2007

and we haven't even started yet

I've got to be honest here. I'm freaking out a little. I'm worried about this project. I'm afraid of failure. I'm afraid of being terrible. I'm afraid that I'm not really a writer after all. There have been days leading up to this project that i have been excited, confident, bubbling over with ideas. Today, my plot seems shaky, my characters seem uninteresting, and I'm wondering if the whole idea for my novel is boring, or just plain terrible. As you can see, I'm having a huge amount of self-doubt right about now. I just want to get started, so i can pour this energy into writing. And that's another thing: what if i start writing and run out of things to say?

I don't want to get discouraged before I start. I want to have a positive attitude, but I'm having trouble pulling myself out of all of this doubt.

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