Monday, October 8, 2007

by the hair of my, well, you know

i made my first week's word count...barely...after typing off and on all day yesterday. at the end of the day, i had 11,481 words. i used up my "extra word" cushion friday and saturday, when i was too busy/comatose to write. hopefully this week will be easier. i woke up before my alarm this morning (at 5:58 AM), then wrote about 1,300 words. i'll finish up later this evening.

i'm beginning to wonder if my talent has somehow seeped out of me over the past 3 years. i'm having a lot of trouble getting from "typing" to "writing." everything i write seems flat and boring, one-dimensional, a recitation of facts more than the dynamic telling of a story. at this point, i would be embarrassed to let anyone read anything i've written so far. ed read a paragraph over my shoulder yesterday and i practically freaked out on him.

so, while quantity is the goal, i'm still struggling with the quality issue. i'm making my word counts, i have a story line, i know where i'm going and how i plan to get there, but i'm bored to death and unsure of how to breath some life into these characters.

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