Wednesday, October 17, 2007

deep breath, or Day 17

Daily word count: 4,096
Total word count: 27,773

okay, okay, sorry to be so goddamn emotional. i locked myself in my room tonight (with an hour break for good behavior to watch "pushing daisies," which, by the way, is adorable and visually stimulating, and relatively well-written) and got myself back on track, word-count wise, and hopefully also story-wise. i finally moved the story forward instead of laterally, by writing my first sex scene. except that i was kind of embarrassed to write it and so did more alluding than elucidating. but whatever. i like it better that way. i'm just guiding the imagination anyway.

i feel pretty good. i passed the halfway point in word count. I've peaked, even if my story hasn't, and now i'm at 27,000 words. it's all downhill from here baby. i think i'll be okay after all...i don't expect the second "half" of my events to really total half of the pages, but i do think i'm still a little behind.

thank you, all of you, for putting up with my mood swings and being so encouraging! you have no idea how much it means to me when you e-mail or ask me how my writing is going. it helps to keep me focused on what i'm doing and why.

a lot of people have asked me what my story is about. i haven't told anyone anything, and i probably won't until i'm done writing it. but maybe i'll put up an excerpt when all of this is over.

kisses, and good night, friends. thank you for caring, and reading, and supporting me. it means more to me than you know.

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